New residents: Stratec Global, Jezet Seating, Mageba and Pylotis. In the news: new Technoparc Website, SoundBite candidate for the discovery of the year, Inocucor continues its funding, 3 Technoparc companies among the best employers in Montreal: Thales, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Genetec. 2 seminars in February and the return of the Techno games!
Some important dates:

Establishment of Thales.
Technoparc Saint-Laurent’s billboard.
Launch of the Eco-campus Hubert-Reeves.
Inauguration of the new Alfred-Nobel business centre.
Technoparc Montréal would like to welcome the following companies:
Stratec Global was created to help both startups and established businesses realize their technological and business objectives. They are creating innovative ways to build their clients’ projects with new technologies in such fields as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain technologies and chatbot technologies. For more information please see their Website.
Jezet Seating is a world class manufacturer of Retractable Seating Systems and Fixed Seating Solutions. Over the years they have focused on developing retractable platform systems and seat models that support venues demanding high acoustical performance. All products are designed and built by their our highly skilled workers in Overpelt, Belgium.
For more information, please visit their Website.
Mageba International is a globally present specialist and manufacturer of high-end structural bearings, expansion joints as well as seismic protection and structural health monitoring systems. Since its foundation in 1963, Mageba has equipped well over 20,000 structures with its sustainable and reliable solutions. More information available on their Website.
Exploring territory development through different perspectives is the commitment of Pylotis. Working together on your issues, learning from their past and mixing influences from Quebec and France to develop new ways of doing. Thanks to its collaborative and innovative culture, Pylotis shares its territory development expertise « Advice and Support » with those who build it: municipalities, industrialists, developers and more. Click on their Website to learn more about the company.
Technoparc Montréal has launched its new Website last month. We invite you to visit it now to discover new sections, a fluidity in navigation, a more concise definition of Technoparc Montréal’s mission, a visual tour of our business centers and the services offered, a section dedicated to news and events that take place on the site, link to our social media including an album of photos from our Instagram account, maps of land for sale and much more!
We invite you to share the following link of our Website to all your friends and colleagues. Together, let’s make Technoparc Montréal the most attractive site for companies that are looking for a quality of life and a proximity to companies in research and development!
Link to the new site:
New agreement for NEOMED
The NEOMED institute and Artelo Biosciences, Inc. announced last month the signature of an option and exclusive worldwide license agreement on the NEO1940 molecule. The two organizations will collaborate to develop this molecule as an anti-cancer treatment. in treatment for cancer patients suffering from anorexia or weight loss. More information on the NEOMED Website
Discovery of the year
SoundBite is nominated for the “discovery of the year” in the magazine Québec Sciences!
The Technoparc resident company could go for 1st place if it gets enough votes. So, if you want, you can click the following link and go vote in the box at the bottom of the page.
Successful round of financing
Good news for Inocucor, resident company at the Technoparc. In January 2018, Inocucor raised $9.5 millions USD ($12.1 million CAD) in series B second close led by Pontifax Agtech, raising total proceeds of series B financing to $38.5 million USD ($50.9 million CAD). More information through this link.
Congratulations to 3 residents
Congratulations to 3 Montreal Technoparc companies: Thales, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Genetec. They rank amongst Montreal’s Top 100 Employers for 2018. Technoparc Montréal is delighted with these appointments and is committed to continuing to provide an exceptional quality of life on the site so that it can help other resident businesses to climb into the next ranking. Interested companies and employees can find out more by clicking this link. Note that you can also apply for next year’s ranking.
Resident services
Montreal relève at Technoparc
Welcome one or more young people to a career exploration stage next summer and take the opportunity to mobilize your team around a common project, help young people better understand their interests before their post-secondary education choices, promote your professions and attract the next generation! A luncheon conference will be held on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 in the offices of Technoparc Montréal to present the project in more detail and answer any questions you may have! For questions or to participate, please contact Mathilde Locatelli at

Financing for your projects
Participate in the seminar “Sources of assistance for export and innovation” of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saint-Laurent – Mount Royal in collaboration with Technoparc Montréal. Be present on Thursday, February 22, 2018, from 7:30 to noon at the reception room Le Crystal. The cost is $ 40 per ticket. More details and registration via this link.
Superb building at Technoparc
Adjacent to the 7150 Albert-Einstein, this magnificent project will make you enjoy unparalleled sunshine, modern architecture, the quality of life recognized at the Technoparc and proximity to the future light train station (REM) for quick access to the airport (3 minutes) or downtown (22 minutes). Welcome to your future prestigious address in the heart of Technoparc. Interested? Contact Nancy DeBlois from Technoparc Montréal at

Superb offices at the Technoparc
We have a few spaces available in our 2 business centres, in the heart of the Technoparc. Do you know a company that would like to settle in Canada’s largest science and technology park? Contact Nancy Deblois, Technoparc Montréal’s Director of Real Estate Services, at Remember that you can have your office space from only $4,50 per day! More info on our 2 business centers are available through our Website
Tire changes at Technoparc on April 4th and 8th, 2018
Winter is almost over…and to help you with your busy schedule, Technoparc Montréal offers a tire installation service on its site. On April 4th and 8th , we will have the company Instapneus in the parking lot of the 2300 Alfred-Nobel. To register, please go to the company’s Website at in the section “Inscription pour rendez-vous” + “Rendez-vous à l’entreprise” and select one of the two dates that indicate “Technoparc Montréal “. If you are not available at these two dates, you can use GCR – Tires and Services, located at 1300 boul. Hymus, just at the entrance of the Technoparc. They offer a free shuttle service and 10% discount on labor. Information at (514) 636-2551 or by email at
Technoparc est yoga!
Nouveau…cours de Yoga au Technoparc tous les lundis et jeudis pour l’hiver et le printemps 2018. Les classes se déroulent au centre d’affaires Alfred-Nobel situé au 2300 Alfred Nobel, deuxième étage, salle 221. Assurez-vous de bloquer tous vos prochains lundis et jeudis dans votre agenda! Pour vous inscrire à des cours réguliers, suivez ce lien.
30th anniversary events
Techno Games – September 6th, 2018
On Thursday, September 6th , 2018, Technoparc companies will be able to participate in the second edition of the Techno Games. In collaboration with the company Spin Jeux, you will have the opportunity to compete between companies to earn space on the podium!
To participate, it’s very easy. Send us the name of your company and the names of the 8 participants of your team at and your team is registered! There is room for 12 teams … first come, first serve … so register now!
Last year was really fun. Check out one the live videos we did during the event.
Last chance to get 30% off at Bistro 21st Century Food
Tuesday March 6th, 2018, Technoparc residents will have their last chance to get 30% off their lunch at the Bistro. This discount to Technoparc residents is available during the celebrations of Technoparc Montreal’s 30th anniversary, which will end in March. So, go check out the Bistro at 2600 boul. Alfred-Nobel (at the north entrance of the Technoparc), first building on your right. To learn more about the Bistro and their meals, click on their website.
Thanks to our partners!
Technoparc Montréal would like to thank its partners.
Your collaboration to the 30th anniversary celebrations is greatly appreciated.